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Legend (Enviroportal/HabitatMap2020)

Marine Habitat (0)
11100-Fringing reef 11100-Fringing reef
11110-Fringing reef with macroalgae 11110-Fringing reef with macroalgae
11200-Patch reef 11200-Patch reef
11210-Patch reef with macroalgae 11210-Patch reef with macroalgae
12000-Seagrass bed 12000-Seagrass bed
13000-Hard-bottom 13000-Hard-bottom
13010-Hard-bottom with macroalgae 13010-Hard-bottom with macroalgae
14000-Unconsolidated bottom 14000-Unconsolidated bottom
14100-Unconsolidated bottom with macroalgae 14100-Unconsolidated bottom with macroalgae
15100-Rock armouring / artificial reef 15100-Rock armouring / artificial reef
15200-Marine structure 15200-Marine structure
16100-Dredged seabed 16100-Dredged seabed
16200-Dredged area wall 16200-Dredged area wall
17000-Deep sub-tidal seabed 17000-Deep sub-tidal seabed
Terrestrial Habitat (1)
1010-Mudflats and sand exposed at low tide 1010-Mudflats and sand exposed at low tide
1020-Sheltered tidal flats with cyanobacterial mats 1020-Sheltered tidal flats with cyanobacterial mats
1030-Saltmarsh 1030-Saltmarsh
1040-Mangroves 1040-Mangroves
1041-Mangrove plantation 1041-Mangrove plantation
1050-Storm beach ridges 1050-Storm beach ridges
1060-Sandy beaches 1060-Sandy beaches
1070-Beach rock and gravelly beaches 1070-Beach rock and gravelly beaches
2011-Coastal plains on well-drained sandy ground 2011-Coastal plains on well-drained sandy ground
2012-Coastal plains on well-drained rocky or gravelly terrain 2012-Coastal plains on well-drained rocky or gravelly terrain
2020-Coastal sand sheets and low dunes 2020-Coastal sand sheets and low dunes
2030-Coastal cliffs, headlands, rocky slopes and wadis in coastal situations 2030-Coastal cliffs, headlands, rocky slopes and wadis in coastal situations
3100-Coastal sabkha, including sabkha matti 3100-Coastal sabkha, including sabkha matti
4110-Sand sheets and dunes with tree cover 4110-Sand sheets and dunes with tree cover
4120-Sand sheets and dunes with shrub cover 4120-Sand sheets and dunes with shrub cover
4130-Sand sheets and dunes with dwarf shrub cover 4130-Sand sheets and dunes with dwarf shrub cover
4140-Sand sheets and dunes with perennial herbs and graminoids 4140-Sand sheets and dunes with perennial herbs and graminoids
4200-Mega-dunes 4200-Mega-dunes
5110-Gravel plains with distinct tree vegetation 5110-Gravel plains with distinct tree vegetation
5120-Gravel plains with dwarf shrub vegetation 5120-Gravel plains with dwarf shrub vegetation
5130-Gravel plains with sparse vegetation 5130-Gravel plains with sparse vegetation
5200-Inland sabkha 5200-Inland sabkha
6100-Mountain slopes, scree and associated wadis 6100-Mountain slopes, scree and associated wadis
6210-Jebels, (including mesas and burqas) 6210-Jebels, (including mesas and burqas)
6220-Escarpments, lithified sand dunes, rocky exposures 6220-Escarpments, lithified sand dunes, rocky exposures
6320-Wadis in open terrain, and drainage channels 6320-Wadis in open terrain, and drainage channels
7100-Semi-artificial water bodies 7100-Semi-artificial water bodies
7200-Moist ground with phragmites, tamarix and grass mats 7200-Moist ground with phragmites, tamarix and grass mats
8100-Date plantations 8100-Date plantations
8200-Farmland 8200-Farmland
8300-Livestock areas 8300-Livestock areas
8400-Forestry plantations 8400-Forestry plantations
9110-High density urban 9110-High density urban
9120-Low density urban 9120-Low density urban
9210-Oil industry 9210-Oil industry
9220-Airports and aerodromes 9220-Airports and aerodromes
9230-Port areas 9230-Port areas
9240-Other industry 9240-Other industry
9300-Leisure and landscaped areas 9300-Leisure and landscaped areas
9400-Paved roads 9400-Paved roads
9500-Pipelines infrastructure 9500-Pipelines infrastructure
9600-Disturbed ground 9600-Disturbed ground